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HS German 2


Marji McIlvaine


German 2
Learn German through a multisensory, common-sense approach that yields proficiency and
confidence in this beautiful language!
German 2 -- with a Difference
"I just took the university Spanish placement test and I tested out of their college Spanish
requirement! (But I'm planning on continuing and going to study abroad in a Spanish-speaking
country.)" (Spanish Student Anna, summer 2019, same method of teaching)

We continue with German 2 with the same format, but a possible change in curriculum. Please stay tuned – families will be informed by the end of July.
Learning smarter, not harder! After 20+ years of teaching Spanish, French and some German in a
traditional format, I am now teaching by blending that with a different approach called the
“reading & storytelling” approach (TPRS) to learning a foreign language. Research & scholarly
studies reveal that students learn to speak and use the languages faster, and better, with this
approach – it equips every learner, from the gifted student to the dyslexic. Success – and fun!
While your student will speak and converse a lot, this is more than a conversational language
class. Grammar is included through meaning and repetition and small doses of concentrated
material as the student acquires language because he or she understands what is being said.
Students will be speaking, understanding, and reading the language from the first week –
growing in ability quickly. Grammar is taught every class through meaning and application.

There are many benefits to foreign language study, from the academic to the business world, to
the understanding of our own language. All of this is true – and it is required for entrance to
many colleges. However, languages are meant for communication – and communicating the
most important thing of all, the love and Truth of God, is our highest and greatest purpose with
language. With language, we build relationships – through those relationships, we gain the “ear”
of others to share the Truth of the Gospel.

In this class, we begin this journey through fun, and the ability to use the language as we learn it.
I can scarcely wait to begin! Students should plan on 45 minutes to an hour of work four days
per week, plus the work in class. This work at home is foundational to achievement.
We will work through our text and read several novels completely in German, depending on
class achievement. This course uses a lot of “out of the text” material, so we will move through
our text very slowly, adding other core learning materials through the year. This text should cover
through German 2. Scripture memory will always be included, as well as praise songs, hymns,
contemporary music, culture, foods and games.

Note to All: My German is a bit weaker than my Spanish and French, and I am not as quick or
capable with it. I have been brushing up on my German this last year and have no doubt that
your student will learn very well -- but I will have to look some things up, and correct errors. I
hope to model to the students that it doesn’t have to be PERFECT to be successful, that learning
is always valuable, and that learning never stops. With language in particular, mistakes are a
natural part of learning and expected – but we move on and advance and acquire more language
the more we engage.

Parents: Please inform me (instructor) if you know your student has dyslexic/learning issues. I
believe those students can find success through this approach, but it will help me to know. I also
have back-up resources to recommend.

If you would like to check out the curriculum, the approach, the reviews, here is the site: (They have just added the French by streaming, but the books are
not published yet.) We will be using a beta version of Excelerate German, which is in production
– it usually takes a couple of years before making it to publishing.

Former (Spanish) student's message, same method of teaching:
"Mrs Mac, I want to say thank you so much. I feel like I owe you an unrepayable debt. I went to
Nicaragua this time as not just a missions team member but also an interpreter. I was able to do
that not only because you taught me Spanish, but because you taught me to love and pursue
Spanish. You have had a bigger impact on both myself, and the people in Nicaragua than you
will ever know. Thank you so much!!!" *(Spanish student)


It's possible that a curriculum change will happen. We have been using the beta version of Excelerate German, Book 1, which has been supplied for the cost of copies. Decision by the first of August.

We also plan to read 3-4 novels in German, at a cost of about $8 each. Novels will be announced by the first of August as well.

After 26 years of homeschooling, Marji (& Rick) graduated the last of their six children.
Marji has a B.A. in Spanish from the University of Florida, graduate hours from ECU, and worked at UF as a bilingual aide to the tropical animal science programs. Her fiercest won endeavor, however, is her well-worn degree from the ‘University of Homeschooling’.

For 25 years she has taught homeschoolers locally and online. She also administers the W-J Achievement test. Her study of seven languages opened the door to working in positions at UF, a public school in CA, as well as translating for several businesses.

In college, she attended the Université de Dijon in France. She later spent a semester in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, traveling and building her German skills. Her first years of college included a major track in science study since she had planned to be a veterinarian. Through homeschooling she found she could fuse her love of snorkeling, scuba diving and science with marine biology. Through her work at UF with graduate students, she found she could also fuse her interests in animals, science, and foreign language.

Later, her homeschooling years incited a love of history, and now she is passionate about sharing the love of learning about every facet of God’s creation and His work in His people with her students. She loves staying immersed in our wonderful homeschool community.

Contact Marji at, or


Mills River,NC 




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