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HS Mock Trial


Ethan Brown


Students will prepare to compete in regional competition of NC High School Mock Trial.
Regionals are typically held the first weekend in February and the state contest in early March.
The class will meet for 16 weeks in the fall (tuition of $375 per student) and continue for 4
weeks in January. Each team member will need a binder, access to a laptop, and a professional,
well fitting dark colored suit.
Advancement to the state contest (held in Raleigh) will require additional expenses for travel and
housing. Course is limited to eight students


A large three ring binder (1 inch or 1.5 inch) to hold case file; section separators to organize their case file; two colors of highlighter; pens/pencils; a reminder that this course comes with an additional fee to cover the $250 (divided among students) entry fee billed by the state and a $10 printing fee for the multiple handouts provided.

Ethan Brown has been in ministry for 19 years, and is currently the pulpit minister of the Hendersonville Church of Christ. He earned a B.A in Theater from Harding University, a Masters of Arts in Ministry and Master of Divinity from Harding School of Theology, and Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton Massachusetts. Ethan thoroughly enjoyed the five years he was an assistant professor in the department of Biblical Studies at Lubbock Christian University before moving five years ago to be among family and live near the mountains. He and his lovely wife Ashley have been married for 20 years, and they have three children: Gillian, Isaac, and Silas.


Mills River,NC 






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