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HS Spanish 3


Marji McIlvaine


¡La aventura continua!

Spanish 3 continues where Spanish 2 finished. This year, we finish the blue book and PERHAPS begin Excelerate Spanish, Book 2 -- depending on the amount of out-of-the-book-material we do.

While the method is the same as for Spanish 1 and 2 with a Difference, we add some focused grammar study, advanced tense usages, more challenging reading, and culture as the student advances and matures in understanding and being able to communicate. During the second semester, IF the student is ready, we also begin reading the Bible.

Students who are new should read a more detailed description of the method in the Spanish 1 or 2 descriptions. A brief placement assessment will be administered so that we can give your student the best opportunity to succeed in Spanish.

(The cost of the online portions of the classwork during the week is included in the class fee.)


Three to four novels in Spanish, TBA by the end of July.

Excelerate Spanish, Book 2 with student worktext (probably after Christmas).

After 26 years of homeschooling, Marji (& Rick) graduated the last of their six children.
Marji has a B.A. in Spanish from the University of Florida, graduate hours from ECU, and worked at UF as a bilingual aide to the tropical animal science programs. Her fiercest won endeavor, however, is her well-worn degree from the ‘University of Homeschooling’.

For 25 years she has taught homeschoolers locally and online. She also administers the W-J Achievement test. Her study of seven languages opened the door to working in positions at UF, a public school in CA, as well as translating for several businesses.

In college, she attended the Université de Dijon in France. She later spent a semester in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, traveling and building her German skills. Her first years of college included a major track in science study since she had planned to be a veterinarian. Through homeschooling she found she could fuse her love of snorkeling, scuba diving and science with marine biology. Through her work at UF with graduate students, she found she could also fuse her interests in animals, science, and foreign language.

Later, her homeschooling years incited a love of history, and now she is passionate about sharing the love of learning about every facet of God’s creation and His work in His people with her students. She loves staying immersed in our wonderful homeschool community.

Contact Marji at, or


Mills River,NC 




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