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MS Introduction to Writing


Cecelia Smith

6th-8th Grade

Students will learn organizational groundwork for writing. While reviewing the basics of sentence composition, students will practice writing better sentences that describe and inform. Once students master great sentences they will apply their skills to paragraph writing. Using the writing process- brainstorm, outline, rough draft, edit and final copy- students will advance to multiple paragraph essays. We will cover the 4 major types of essays- narrative, expository, description, and argumentative.Students will complete multiple writing assignments. This class will give each student the skills and confidence to become an excellent writer!


Each student will need a spiral notebook, three-ring binder, computer, word processing program, and Internet.

Cecelia Smith holds a B.S. degree from Western Carolina University in Recreational Therapy. She worked at Advent Health for 6 years on the Gero Psych unit as a recreational therapist before becoming a full time mom. She has 2 girls, one in middle school and one in high school. She has gained 9 years of experience homeschooling them both . Cecelia has taught a variety of classes over the years in a local Henderson County association co-op and is super excited to join Classical Scholars. In her free time she enjoys date nights with her husband, reading, running and playing tennis.


Mills River,NC 






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