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MS Logic 2


Ethan Brown


The ability to clearly and decisively make a point is tragically rare in our culture, and a young person who is able to do so stands out from his or her peers. The ability to set forward a series of thoughts that lead to a conclusion in a way that the listener or reader can follow will help a student in all academic disciplines. A person trained in logic will be better prepared to form thought clearly, which results in being better equipped to write, speak, think and plan across a broad range of topics. This class is an introduction to formal logic. It will focus upon the three acts of the mind in the formation of logical arguments: 1) understanding, 2) judgment, and 3) reasoning. The act of understanding will focus on the use of clearly defined terms, so that the one making an argument knows what he or she is talking about. The act of judgment is the evaluation of statements for their truth values. The act of reasoning is the ability to understand how truths interact together to form valid arguments. The successful student will leave the class with a strengthened ability to think and reason clearly, and with skills to perceive bad arguments and how to refute them. In the course of the study, we will also explore some of the works of the ancient philosopher Socrates as described in some of the dialogues of Plato. [Logic I is suggested, though not required for participation in Logic II this year].

Please direct questions to Ethan Brown at


a three ring binder (1/2 inch or 1 inch) to hold handouts.

This course has not text book but a $10 printing fee is requested to cover the handouts students receive over the course of the year and to cover the three dialogues of Plato we read during the class.

Ethan Brown has been in ministry for 19 years, and is currently the pulpit minister of the Hendersonville Church of Christ. He earned a B.A in Theater from Harding University, a Masters of Arts in Ministry and Master of Divinity from Harding School of Theology, and Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton Massachusetts. Ethan thoroughly enjoyed the five years he was an assistant professor in the department of Biblical Studies at Lubbock Christian University before moving five years ago to be among family and live near the mountains. He and his lovely wife Ashley have been married for 20 years, and they have three children: Gillian, Isaac, and Silas.


Mills River,NC 






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